I am proud of myself for getting these monthly updates written down. The 3rd child, it's so hard to find the time!! I'm probably not as detailed as I was with the other two but at least I'm trying. One thing I always forget to write is that the last several months people keep mistaking him for a girl! They will say, "what a beautiful girl" then I say he is a boy and they are shocked and tell me what a beautiful boy he is! I'm always confused as he's dressed in boy clothes when they make the comment. Some people say it's because of all his hair that people make the mistake. Beckett also loves to push his forehead into everything! Into our legs when we are standing, into the floor, toys, whatever he comes across. Anytime we are out people comment about what a happy boy (or girl :) ) he is! He did finally get a tooth which has helped the sleeping situation. Only it's not his front tooth! He got his tooth to the right of his front tooth on August 28th, so soon I'll have a vampire baby. He also got brave and started going up stairs on September 3rd, so up went the baby gates shortly after.

Height: 30 inches (89th)
Weight: 21lbs 15 oz (76th)
Head: 18.5 (89th)