Hayden is a couple weeks over 6 months now and I thought I would write a little update on all her progress. Hayden has now tried the following foods: rice cereal, peas, carrots, sweat potato, green beans, and butternut squash. Of all these foods, butternut squash has definitely been her favorite. She yums it down every time and always wants more when it's gone. I have not yet tried any fruit, but plan on trying pears sometime next week. She usually sleeps about 10 1/2 to 11 hours a night and takes 2-3 naps a day. She loves taking baths in her tummy tub and splashing in the water. She likes to suck on her wash cloth and stand up straight in the tub all on her own. She is grabbing at EVERYTHING now. The other day I was at Pier One and I had her in a Baby Bjorn carrier and I looked down at her and she had two kinds of decorative branches in each hand! She also loves playing with my white watch. When she is sitting and falls back she usually cries, but when she is holding my watch, the fall back doesn't even phase her. She is laughing a lot now and loves to play peek-a-boo and make funny faces with dad. She will roll from her tummy to her back, but only if she has to. She still does not like rolling much. This is such a fun age, and Paul and I are really enjoying watching her.
20 hours ago
I can't believe she is 6 months! Seriously, they grow up SO fast! I was drying McKay's hands the other day after he'd washed them and couldn't believe how BIG and grown up they looked to me. I have a feeling he is going to look huge when my baby comes next month!