For the first month after Hayden transitioned to her big girl bed, she stayed in her bed after she woke up. Each morning she would wait in bed for me to come get her, it was great. Then she finally realized she could get out of bed and even upon up her door, our door, and come in our bed at 6:30 am. I wasn't too excited about this as she has always slept until about 8 am, so I got a child proof lock and put it on her door knob. I was worried she would be so upset, but she just said, "look Mom, so pretty, don't open it!" So now when she wakes she plays for a bit before I get her. This is how I found her after a nap the other day: babylegs on her arms and legs, socks on her hands and feet and slippers! She went through all of her drawers and closets to find all of those goodies!
Hayden has always played so well with markers too. I can usually leave her for a bit and I know she won't draw on anything, well this is how I found her today. She had drawn all over her arms, legs, feet, face, and oddly enough her arm pits!
20 hours ago
I sympathize with you. Payton got into my mascara while I was in the shower a couple of weeks ago. I almost never got it off of her! Hayden's hair is really growing!