Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Poor Reid Man

For the past 6 months Reid has gone through periods of time in which he is in lots of pain and unable to stand up and walk.  At first the episodes didn't last too long, but in August he did not walk for 4 days!!! Of course this was right when I broke my arm. This is when I started going to different doctors trying to find out what was wrong.  I always assumed he had gas or was constipated. But he was having normal bowel movements so we kind of ruled that out.  We thought it could be a hernia, or something like that as well.  After a few unhelpful doctors appointments and a urologist who saw nothing wrong in the groin area, we were told to go to children's ER if the symptoms returned.  I knew it was a matter of when.  October 6th at night the symptoms returned, so the next morning I waited until he had a normal bowel movement like he always does and then Paul and I took him to the children's ER.

We arrived around 10 am and didn't leave until about 5 pm, but thankfully we were blessed with doctors and nurses who listened to what we were saying, diagnosed and solved the problem!  They did a stomach x-ray which revealed that his intestinal track had several blockages.  Apparently, he had consistent bowel movements because the intestines stretched and allowed it to pass around the blockages.  So sad!  They gave him an enima which cleared out about 7 blockages in about 1 hour after the enima. They then prescribed miralax for a month!  I'm suppose to follow up with his pediatrician and see how they want to proceed at that point.

I feel so bad that he has been in pain off and on for that long!  But so glad we finally got this problem resolved and before the baby arrived.

He did not enjoy the hospital room very much, it was a long day and he just kept saying, "go, go" He especially HATED the hospital gown (but who does like those?)

We did catch one funny face as we asked him what does a cat say?  

Thankful to have answers and have my happy little boy back!!!

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