Saturday, December 24, 2016

Reid's 3rd Birthday

With Hayden's birthday in September and Beckett's in November, Reid was pretty excited that his big day was coming up soon.  When we would ask him how old he was he would respond with "turning 3."  We had a Dory/Nemo themed birthday party and he was so excited about everything.  That morning we made him one of his favorite breakfasts: Ebilskevers followed by lunch at Chic-fil-a and pizza for dinner!  Not our healthiest day but he sure felt special.  Then we had the Housers over for cake and ice cream and presents.  

Breakfast on the "You Are Special" plate

I think his favorite gifts this year were his mini Thomas the Train engines, his garbage truck, and his Finding Dory characters.  Anything with wheels continues to be a favorite of Reid's as well as any ocean animal! 

Thank goodness for Pinterest, this cupcake/cake was so easy!

Octopus on the ceiling 

Reid with his birthday cake! He was so excited to blow out his candles.

 Me and the Birthday Boy! 

Reid at 3 years old:

Height: 40 inches (95%)
Weight: 36 lbs (87%)

Like I said before Reid is obsessed with anything with wheels: trains, construction vehicles, cars, etc
When playing with these toys he likes to lay flat on his stomach and head on the ground to get a better angle
Reid loves putting his ocean animals in the sink and swimming them back and forth
Loves sleepovers in Hayden's room
Still takes about a 2 1/2 hour nap each afternoon and wants us to sing "Cowboy" (James Taylor, Sweet Baby James)
Loves to dance to "daddy's music" "not mommy's music"
Loves to sing songs but doesn't like when anyone else tries to sing them: Ba Ba Black Sheep, The Itsy Bitsy Spider, Old McDonald
He has very expressive facial expressions, loves to open his eyes wide and bring his eyebrows up and shake his head "yes"
Likes to call himself "Reido"
When we talk to Reid he turns our statement into a question with a puzzled look on his face
This kid likes to be as independent as possible and get upset when I do something for him that he can do on his own (i.e. shut the car door)

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