We decided to try and drive the 14 hours to Utah this summer. I'm not sure I ever want to do this again! Hayden is a great traveler and has been since she was little, but Reid can be a bit of a stinker! He cried and whined off and on the entire drive. We did split it into two days. We were hoping to stay the night in Cheyenne since we lived there for 4 years, but it was the beginning of Frontier Days and every place was booked. We did stop and hit a couple of our favorite spots. We first stopped at Sierra Trading Post because this was Paul's all time favorite store. Reid wore this helmet and pushed around a suit case the entire time we were there!
We showed Hayden my first therapy job at Peak Wellness Center and showed her the hospital where she was born. Then we stopped for dinner at Pizzeria Venti which was a favorite while we were there.
Then we took Hayden on base to show her the house we brought her home from the hospital. It was a bit sad, the houses are pretty run down on base and in great need of repair. These historic homes were always so well kept while we were there.
We also showed Hayden where Paul worked. Then we got back in the car and drove another 45 minutes to Laramie to stay for the night. We let the kids swim and then got them in bed around 9. Reid was not impressed with the hotel crib and therefore woke up at 4:45 am wide awake! So we hit the road early and got into Salt Lake around 11 am.
We were fortunate enough to meet up with our wonderful friends the Heinholds. The two oldest kids where staying with family for part of the summer so we met them at Kneaders for lunch and then went to a park to catch up a bit more. Lizzie sure loves Reid and I was glad that he warmed up to her!
We then got back in the car and headed out to Tooele. Grandma Anne and Papa Steve have such a fun house for grandkids and my kids were pretty happy to be out of the car and playing there. On Sunday we were able to have a family dinner with Mark and Trent's families along with Scott. It was fun to be a part of a Sunday dinner!
Kelsey, Darice & I
Hayden and Tess are 2 peas in a pod! They both have great imaginations and are quite dramatic. They had lots of fun together!
Photo credit to Kelsey, little Reid spent most of his time "mowing the lawn."
Monday morning we finally got to relax a bit and fed the horses and then after Reid's nap we went for a swim. It was so fun being able to spend a lot of time Mark, Kelsey, and Gigi, we had so much fun with them!
On Tuesday we headed to Thanksgiving Point to experience the Museum of Natural Curiosity. Reid and Gigi LOVED this water table, they played for quite awhile. Hayden really enjoyed the ropes course and climbing on things. It was packed but fun to experience.
That night we made a visit to Grandma Joye's house. Like all kids, Reid really enjoyed walking around with her cane and was sad to give it up!

Wednesday we made plans to go to the Nordstrom Sale and then eat at the new place that Cafe Rio recently opened. On the way to Salt Lake we were hit and our car was totaled by an under the influence driver. She crossed 4 lanes and even with us getting completely over in the shoulder she hit us and we spun around a few times. Hayden was with Grandma and Grandpa so it was Reid, Paul and I. The air bags deflated on Paul and Reid. Paul's arm got burned but thankfully Reid's car seat blocked him from getting burned. It was quite the day, and not what we wanted to have happen on our vacation. Two drivers stopped and made statements that she had been swerving all over the road for the past 10 miles and at one point she was driving in the shoulder lane of oncoming traffic. I understand addiction and the disease that it is, but it's frustrating when you are the victim of it. We looked the woman up online and we found 3 separate mug shots and at least 1 confirmed DUI where she caused bodily harm. I hope she hits rock bottom soon. The accident could have been so much worse and I am very grateful for my families safety! Paul says that I yelled "Paul watch out, watch out" and thank heavens I did or she could have hit us head on! So a big chunk of our time was spent looking for a new car to buy which was not something we wanted to spend time or money on!

Thursday we took the kids to Chic-fil-a and Jungle Jims (a childhood favorite of mine). This was Reid's first time on little kid rides and he really enjoyed most of the rides and games.
Friday was Pioneer Day and we headed out to Trent and Darice's to celebrate Blake's 1st Birthday! Again it was fun to be a part of a family birthday party. He was so cute as he ate his cake, he eventually just stuck his whole face in the cake and ate it that way!
Saturday we finally committed to a 2012 Honda Pilot and bought it. Then we headed to Stansbury lake and went paddle boarding for the first time! They also had a swimming pool across the way that the kids had fun in.
Sunday we had an early dinner and then said goodbye to the Pratts. It's always hard leaving family and knowing we won't see them for a long time. We drove in to Murray and enjoyed another late Sunday dinner with my family. Monday we woke up and headed to the Tracy Aviary. Reid got a kick out of feeding the ducks and Hayden loved the bird show and especially enjoyed seeing the owls fly over our heads.
Something else I should mention about Reider is how he instantly warmed up to all the men he met in our families, but is cautious and often rejects the women! Funny little man. My dad was no different he instantly held his hand.
Tuesday Aunt Shannon met us at the zoo and we had a great time there. Reid and Hayden at the lion head drinking fountain that has been there since I was a kid!
That afternoon my mom and I went shopping with Shannon and went to Jamba Juice so she could open some birthday presents from Michelle and I. It was nice to catch up and talk with her.
That night we had a surprise early birthday party for Hayden. She was so excited to be the spotlight and get to open presents early!
We took Shannon and Marcus over some cake and Shannon gave Hayden her American Girl Doll Kirsten! Hayden was so happy especially since she forgot to bring Rachel with her this trip. We got to see Marcus and Shannon's pictures from Scotland and hear all about their amazing trip.
Wednesday I forgot my phone, thus my camera, but we had a good time at the Gateway Children's museum. Hayden loved spending time in the grocery store and made several people sandwiches and rang up groceries, while Reid mowed the lawn and played with balls. The both enjoyed the helicopter on the roof. That afternoon I got to visit my friend Brooke who recently had her 2nd child. Love talking to friends who you haven't seen forever but it feels like no time has past.
Thursday morning I went on a walk with my friend Marci and got to catch up which was refreshing to the soul! My family then went to Kneaders for their awesome French Toast, but they were out of the cinnamon bread!!! It was still good but not as good as it could have been. They even impressed my dad so you know they are good. After that we went swimming to the Murray outdoor pool where I worked several summers and had fun going down the water slide. Thursday night we went to my friend Kim's house for dinner. They came to visit us in February so Hayden and Kaitlyn were excited to reunite and play. Wish we lived closer not only for family but for my dear friends...Can you see how bad I got at taking pictures at the end of our trip!
Friday we drove yet again down to St. George and got to stay in a house with my Aunt and Uncle the Passey's and my cousin Becca and her family. It was great staying in a house rental and getting to spend quality time with everyone. Saturday was my cousin Brian's wedding. His wife Cammie seems to match him well and I am so happy for them!
I again forgot my phone and took no pictures at the reception!!! I was so upset with myself. We were all dressed up nicely and it would have been nice to have a few pictures. My cousins wife Katie sent me this one of Reid. They had candy bowls at each table and Reid spent quite a bit of time scooping candy out of the bowl. Hayden instantly became friends with a girl her age and they partied all night long. Both my kids enjoyed themselves on the dance floor and definitely have more moves than Paul or I! My favorite part was the waffle truck that served food! Seriously good stuff. It was a fun reception despite the St. George heat!
Sunday morning we packed up once again and took our longest drive to Colorado Springs. I think it took us about 10 hours and Reid only slept about 45 minutes of the drive. It was a LONG day! But it was worth it when we arrived at Michelle's house. Reid was in heaven as he gazed upon all the cool boy toys in their basement!
We were able to spend Monday and Tuesday with them and Wednesday morning. Poor Michelle got a fever while we were there which turned out to be mastitis. It was so fun to hold such a small baby and not be primarily responsible for his life! Hayden loved holding him and playing with Owen. They had fun playing water games, old maid, going to the park and lots of pretend play. Reid seemed ambivalent to Theo for the first day or so and then finally got a good look at him and then went on his way. I wonder how he will be with our new baby in November? Jared took us to the airport Wednesday afternoon and to my surprise Reid was EXCELLENT on the plane ride. The woman behind me said, "I didn't even realize there was a baby in front of me." Which is always a nice thing to hear!
While yes it is always hard to come home and get back into a routine, it was also nice to come home to our own beds and have our own things again. Thankful to our families for all the fun they planned and all the quality time we got to spend with them.