Monday, March 28, 2016

Easter 2016

We had a busy Easter weekend cramming in all the festive Easter traditions.  We decided to have the Easter bunny come on Saturday this year since we have early church and Paul was gone in meetings in the morning and had tithing after church.  It was an awesome day.  The kids hunted for eggs, played with new toys, dyed easter eggs, I don't think the TV was watched at all!  That's my kind of day!  Sunday I managed to snap a few pictures of the kids before church. After church clothes were either stained or taken off by the time Paul got home for a family picture.  Maybe next year!  

Beckett only managed to stay awake for a few minutes of Easter Egg hunting

Friday, March 25, 2016

Beckett at 4 months

Time flies so much faster with your 3rd!  I keep looking back thinking that those first hard months went way quicker this time around.  I can't believe I have a 4 month old!  I really enjoy this phase of development because he is cooing, starting to play with toys, excited to see familiar faces and he even started rolling (March 20th: tummy to back) and I even caught his very first roll on film!  I was thinking that I had not filmed any videos or taken any pictures in way too long and pulled out my phone during his tummy time and just like that he rolled over.

One week ago I took out the late night feeding so he now goes to bed sometime around 8pm and wakes up between 7:30-8:30 am.  He takes 4 naps throughout the day about 1 1/2 hours each.  He really does well on schedule which makes my life so much easier.  This past month I also had suspicions that he has begun to teeth and the Dr confirmed this at his check-up today.  So it looks like he'll follow Hayden and be an early teether.  He has had more grumpy days because of the teeth and is chewing and drooling on anything he can get his hands on.  Teething doesn't seem to bother him at night so far like it did my other two.

This little guy still struggles with keeping a binky in his mouth so we often have his hat tied on to help keep it in.  I used to love that little hat and now I can't stand it because he's always wearing it!  We are stressing about what to do once summer hits!  I've tried 2-3 other binkies and he just gags on them.  He also always has his hands up by his mouth chewing on his knuckles, and knocking out his bottles and binky! His other favorite spot for his hands is his holding them across his chest, it's pretty cute. He loves just sitting on our laps and observing, especially when we are out to dinner, at Hayden's gymnastics classes, etc.

His stats for 4 months:

Height: 26 inches (85th percentile)
Weight: 15 lbs 1.6 oz (42nd percentile)
Head Circumference: 17 inches (90th percentile)

It's funny bc I kept telling Paul that I thought Beckett's head was smaller than our other children and sure enough I was right!  He's not in the 99th, he's only in the 90th...ha!  Still pretty big, but for our family much smaller.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


A few weeks before Beckett was born we decided to sign Hayden up for a 3 month soccer clinic with her friend Jordan McCrary.  I was a little nervous about adding yet another activity to our schedule, especially when I was about to have a baby.  It was on Saturdays which helped because Paul could take her and I'm so glad we did it!  Hayden's confidence has grown so much from her first day (where she cried when someone charged her) to the last!  We signed her up for a second session because she had so much fun and gained so many more skills.  She said it's her favorite activity right now.  Hayden is pretty excited to be getting strong and getting muscles and one day in the car she flexed her bicep and declared, "feel the strength!"  Paul and I could not stop laughing!  This is her on her last day.  Unfortunately the soccer team we wanted to put her on meets on Tuesdays and we have a conflict with her music class. Hopefully next year...

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Funny Reidman

Reid is getting kind of particular about his clothes and it cracks me up each time he makes a fuss.  He cannot stand when his pants come up when he sits down.  He is almost out of 2T but not quite in 3T and so if his pants come up at all when he's sitting he goes bonkers and wants me to fix them.  Also, if he is wearing any kind of jacket or button up shirt over a shirt it must be zipped or buttoned. It's kind of fun to see the preferences little kids have.