Last Friday we drove 2 hours to Louisville Kentucky to visit one of my college friends Muncie McNamara and his wife Audrey Haydon. They live right in the city so it was fun to see the city and catch up since it had been 6 years since we have seen each other! We got in late Friday night and just stayed until Saturday night. Hayden is not the best sleeper when we are in new places. I wish I knew how to change this. I thought of some things I am going to try next time. But lets just say Friday night was awful! To her credit she got all congested again! I don't know if it's a repeat cold or teething or what, but we have had enough. I should also mention that while I packed our camera, I forgot to take it with us the morning we went out. So here are pictures from Paul's phone again...

Saturday morning they took us to Lynn's Paradise Cafe and I have to say it was amazing! Bobby Flay did a "Throw Down" so I think that is enough said! This was another family friendly restaurant, it was super loud, toys on the table for kids to play with and crazy things all over the walls to look at.
Hayden, Paul and I saying hello.
After brunch they took us the the Louisville Slugger Museum and it was a lot different that I expected. They take you on a tour of how bats are actually made, hand out your own little bat, and then you tour the museum. This is Paul with Mickey Mantle's bat, Paul thought that this was pretty neat. He even had to wear special gloves before touching the bat.
Hayden again enjoyed walking around looking at all that the museum had to offer.
Me in front of the uniforms when women played professional baseball, who doesn't love A League of Their Own????
In front of the museum. We were told that they did not build this huge bat in pieces so getting it into place was quite the ordeal and cost them thousands of dollars and several shut down streets.
After the museum we headed towards their downtown area and walked to the river front. The downtown was really neat to see, they have kept all the original outer structures so it gives the whole city a nice "old" feel.
At this point it was about 3pm and Hayden had only slept about 4 hours the night before so she was one tired girl! She only took about a 2 hour nap and then we ordered some of Muncie and Audrey's favorite pizza in the city and ate at their house since Hayden was not feeling too well.
We had a great time visiting with Muncie and Audrey and seeing Louisville for the first time. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of us all together. Maybe next time!