From left to right: Grady, Tylie, me, Hayden, Emily, Tate, and the twins Maizie and Maren

Hayden loved holding onto the poll on the merry-go-round

This is a great picture because throughout our whole time in Utah, Hayden loved eating Grandma Anne's face!!!

It was so great to be able to spend 2 weeks with family. As always, it was not enough time to see all the people we would like to see while we are there. After Shannon's wedding we spent Sunday, Monday and Tuesday at my house. Hayden continued to enjoy Sasha, but was careful to cover the back of her neck when she was behind her so as not to get a wet nose on her neck. Hayden also liked hearing my mom sing old songs and playing with my dad. We went out to breakfast several times and also got to watch Shannon and her husband Marcus open up wedding gifts. It's always fun to see all the kitchen gadgets and other gifts.
Then on Wednesday Paul, Hayden and I went to Provo to see my chair professor Dr. Leslie Feinauer from my master's program. I had not seen her since my wedding day, so it was so great to see her and catch up. She was excited to meet Hayden and it was fun to talk to her about my current job as a therapist. On the way back we stopped off at a friend's house and spent the night at my high school friend Kim's home with her family. She is a great cook and it was a fun evening. On Thursday Paul's mom came into Salt Lake and we went suit shopping for Paul since he is in need of a professional suit. Then we spent the next week at his home. We got to see Emily and Scott and their 5 children and finally spend some quality time with them. We also went to the zoo which was fun. I have not been to the zoo in years, it has changed so much. I am sad to say they no longer have the ant eaters, which was a childhood favorite of mine. Hayden's favorite animal seemed to be the giraffes but probably because she could actually see them and we think she liked their fur! One night Paul went to his Grandma Joye's house to deliver something for her and left Hayden with her. She started to fuss a bit and Grandma Joye started singing to her and she immediately stopped and listened. Grandma Joye visited her every day that we were there and really loves how much she likes music.
Probably the most special part of our trip was being able to go through the temple with our friends Seth and Sarah. We went to their endowment on Tuesday and got to see them sealed as a family on Thursday. Even as I write this I start to tear up! I felt the spirit when Paul and I got married in the temple and I have felt the spirit at other sealings. But there is something about seeing a family sealed for time and all eternity that is really powerful. I am so grateful for the friendship we have with the Eastmans and for their example! They have strengthened my testimony so much as I have witnessed Sarah get baptized, endowed, and now sealed. I am so grateful that I get to be with my family for eternity. I think I take this for granted to often, it is crazy to believe that many Christian religions believe you will no longer be married to your spouse after you die, and you will just be fellow brothers and sisters. I am so grateful to have the knowledge about where I came from, why I am here, and where I am going.