Wednesday, November 9, 2011


First off, Hayden's latest thing it to make EVERYTHING plural.  So Play-Doh is really "Play-Dohs."  She calls The Wizard of Oz "doggies" because of Toto, water is "waters."  It's pretty funny.  But anyway, she is completely obsessed with Play-Doh right now.  It started off in nursery because they let all the kids play with it at the beginning of nursery.  Then she got some when she went trick-or-treating and ever since then her whole day revolves around it!  She loves to sit in her booster seat with the tray on, watch one of her favorite shows and play with the Play-Doh.  The first thing she asks for in the morning is Play-Doh.  She wants it out all day long and thus dries them out rather quickly!

She likes making "snakies" "cookies" "witches" and "pretties" which are bracelets and rings.  She pretends to feed her baby dolls the cookies and I even saw her holding one of the "snakies" to her chest and saying, "shsh, it's ok, shsh" and patting the snake. 

 When she gets a new color she has a hard time mashing it.  She likes to keep it in the original shape!

 Notice the bracelet on one wrist and snake in the other hand

and we can't forget the ring! 

I bought her a big Play-Doh set for Christmas with scissors and letters you can press into the doh, so I hope she enjoys it that much by Christmas and I can hold off giving it to her!

1 comment:

  1. wow, Hayden is so creative! I love it! Is it bad that when we get it and it all dries out, I don't buy anymore and never have it in the house? I'm a bad mom, I know, but that stuff gets everywhere! :)
