3 hours ago
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Finally Rolling
So Paul and I know that all children hit developmental milestones at different times, but we were really starting to be concerned about her rolling. She rolled twice over a month ago and had not done so since. All the babies her age have been rolling for well over a month now. Well tonight I decided to leave her on her stomach and eventually she would have to roll over if she wanted to get to her back. She started to get tired of being on her tummy and she rolled!!!! She was so proud of herself when she realized she was on her back again. She was smiling and kicking and so happy. We thought it was a fluke, so we kept putting her on her tummy and she rolled over 4 more times. Thank heavens! Now hopefully next she'll want to roll from her back to her tummy.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Rice Cereal & 1st Tooth
I don't know why, but I really did not want to introduce anything other than breast milk until Hayden was 6 months old. But about 3 weeks ago she stopped sleeping through the night as I had previously enjoyed! I thought it was just her gums bothering her due to teething. But I finally started reading in my book Baby Wise and it said that if your baby previously slept through the night and is no longer doing so, it is probably because they are growing and need more food. So I started nursing her an extra time during the day and this still did not work. I did a couple of other things the book recommended and it did not work either, so I started rice cereal and it did seem to help last night. Some of my friends told me how much their baby disliked the cereal at first, so I was prepared for Hayden to reject it. She had some funny faces, but she ate almost 2/3 of what I made for her. She would open her mouth real wide and eat it and then make a funny face. I guess she was ready and I wasn't! She has been really curious about all the food I eat lately and opens her mouth when she see's me open mine to eat. It is pretty cute. I recorded the first cereal experience so Paul could watch it since he was on alert of course. See below.
Also, yesterday I felt her tooth for the first time. She finally got it, so hopefully that combined with eating more will help her sleep good again. I cannot believe my little baby has a tooth. Five months is pretty early for a baby to get teeth, but my mom said I teethed early too.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Our little swimmer
Yesterday we decided to take Hayden for her first swim. I have been anxiously awaiting this day for a long time and figured now that she is 5 months old it was time! The base swimming pool is currently closed due to construction, so we took her to the local pool in Cheyenne called the Municipal pool in Lion's park. They have a little kiddy pool that is only 1 foot deep. Hayden could stand on the bottom and she loves standing so it worked out great. At first she was way to excited to see all the other kids so I don't think she even realized she was in the water. The water was really warm in the kiddy pool, like bath tub water. It was freezing in the other pool so we didn't last there very long. Hayden loved lying on her back and kicking as well as trying to drink the water when she was on her tummy. We did dunk her once and it was pretty shocking to her, but she didn't cry at all (video below). We went into her nap time a little, so she was pretty exhausted and fell asleep right when she got into her car seat. When we got home I knew I needed to give her a bath to get all the chlorine off her skin and she was not happy! She cried like I have never heard her cry, maybe a little too much water for one day.
That night we celebrated Valentine's Day since Paul is on alert today. We thought we'd try out this place in town called "Little Bear." Online it said that the menu was about $12-$20 a plate. I didn't think that sounded too bad so we went. Well, it was a bit more! And Paul described the food as, "good, not great." Oh well, at least we have tried it. I got Paul 2 seasons of Arrested Development which is his favorite show ever apparently. I have been watching them for the first time with him and they are pretty good, not better than Seinfield like him claimed though. I also found an Air Force Academy t-shirt at the TJ Maxx by Michelle's house and got him that as well. Paul got me new recyclable grocery bags and a cute key chain. All in all it was a fun Valentine's day.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
What A Mess
Right after I posted last I decided to take Hayden with me and make my lunch for work today. I was filling up my new cute lunch bag (from TJ Maxx) and got our big new bag of trail mix out and set it on the counter. Not 2 seconds later, Hayden had grabbed ahold of it and dumped the whole thing over. It is her first real big mess. I guess I need to be more careful now that she is grabbing at EVERYTHING! I'm sure there are more big messes to come....
Monday, February 8, 2010
Pesky Bug and Visit to C Springs
So basically all of our friends as well as our family have been hit by the stomach bug! Seriously everyone we know has gotten it. Hayden had diarrhea for literally 2 weeks straight. Today was the first day she didn't have an explosion all over her clothes. I have done so much laundry lately because she soaks her clothes about 3 times per day. I am so glad that she is finally almost over this and that we are feeling better. Hopefully all of our friends will soon follow suit.
Hayden and I did have a chance to go to Colorado Springs a couple weekends back to hang out with Michelle and her husband Jared. Unfortunately, Paul was working and had to stay home and even more unfortunate while we were there Jared got sick and felt awful the whole weekend. Michelle and I managed to have a fun visit and did some shopping and also went to Old Colorado Springs. Paul and I never went there while he was in school at the Air Force Academy, so it was fun to visit. Michelle teaches in the primary, so I went with her. Hayden loved singing time and was so excited to hear the children sing. Just yesterday she discovered her feet and has been playing with them non-stop. She has rolled a couple of times but then realizes that she is on her tummy and can't get back over. So needless to say she is not a fan of rolling. She is sleeping in her own room now, it was hard at first not having her in the bassinet beside me. But I keep telling myself that it is for the best, I don't want her sleeping in our room forever!
Paul has been busy with work and taking care of Hayden when I am working. He really likes feeding her a bottle, I'm glad that they get that time to bond. He only has one more semester left and he will be done with his MBA. I am so proud of him for balancing everything in his life. It will be nice for him to have more free time this summer though.
I am slowly getting use to working again and leaving Hayden. I do really enjoy doing therapy, it is a big part of who I am, so I am glad I can do it on a part-time basis.
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