Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Finally Rolling

So Paul and I know that all children hit developmental milestones at different times, but we were really starting to be concerned about her rolling. She rolled twice over a month ago and had not done so since. All the babies her age have been rolling for well over a month now. Well tonight I decided to leave her on her stomach and eventually she would have to roll over if she wanted to get to her back. She started to get tired of being on her tummy and she rolled!!!! She was so proud of herself when she realized she was on her back again. She was smiling and kicking and so happy. We thought it was a fluke, so we kept putting her on her tummy and she rolled over 4 more times. Thank heavens! Now hopefully next she'll want to roll from her back to her tummy.


  1. YAY you should post a video of her doing it :)

  2. Enjoy it while you can, before you know it you won't be able to get her to stay in one spot--and she'll start pulling things out of the cupboards! They grow up so quickly!!

  3. Way to go Hayden! What a good little roller-over you are! You should be proud of yourself! :) Kristine...I can just see you and Paul putting her on her tummy over and over again, and just enjoying each and every time she rolled over! How fun!
