Tuesday, March 30, 2010


So last night after we put Hayden to bed, Paul and I were laying down on the couch. I was talking to Paul about how I just felt off yesterday and in a sad mood for some reason. Paul was doing a very good job of listening and then out of the blue he did a throaty, girgly growl and funny face. I thought, "what on earth is he doing?" and then he stopped and started hysterically laughing. Apparently it is the noise and face he makes for Hayden when she is sad and so he started growling to make me happy as well! Then it dawned on him that I was not Hayden and he stopped. It was hilarious and a much needed laugh for the night.


  1. Oh, how cute! What a sweet husband! I'm sorry you were feeling down...everyone has their days and I'm just glad that I'm not the only one. Love you!

  2. hysterical. :)
    It's amazing what we end up doing to give our kids a smile on their face. Sounds like it worked for you too! I've had those days and weeks lately too - I am thinking it has to do with the winter and maybe spring will lighten things up. Hoping all of your days are bright! :)
