Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Reid is 3 months old!

It must be because this is my 2nd time around and I am not a nervous first time mom, but I am just really enjoying being Reid's mom!  I love him so much and I think my love went to an even greater level when he started sleeping through the night!  His first night sleeping 9 hours was February 23rd and he has slept through the night every night since!  His longest stretch was 10 hours 20 minutes and his shortest stretch has been right at 8 hours.  I know some people say that babies either come as good or bad sleepers, but I really disagree. Everyone I know who has used Baby Wise has good sleepers, it just works!  I was getting really worried though because Hayden started sleeping longer stretches gradually, a bit longer each night until she was sleeping through the night around 8 weeks.  But Reid kept waking up around 3-4am each night and then one night he just didn't!  Anyway, hopefully once I get through my 2nd round of anti-biotics and start feeling better I'll finally feel rested.  Sinus infections are the worst.  

Reid is such a happy baby and smiles and giggles with us all the time.  Hayden loves spending time with her brother and always wants to know where he is when she gets home from preschool.  When we are out and he is covered in his car seat, she wants me to lift up the blanket so "everyone can see my brother."  She is so proud of him.   She loves running around him in circles and watching him try to track her.  He is always behind though, it is pretty funny to watch.

Reid is great at falling asleep all on his own, but struggles to take the 1 1/2 hour nap baby wise recommends.  He usually wakes up at the hour mark and sometimes will fall back asleep, but other times wants to eat now!  I swear he eats to much more than Hayden ever did!  He is one hungry boy and he is growing big.  Here is his first night in 6 month pajamas, oddly the same night he slept all night long.

Reid does take a pacifier, but by no means does he love it like Hayden did.  He uses it to soothe him to sleep and then he spits it out.  That's really the only time he will take it.  I wish he'd take it for 5 minutes when he's hungry and I'm racing to get home, but he is not fooled by it!  Reid is starting to chew/suck on his knuckles though so we'll see where this goes.

I think he favorite things to look at include lights, toys I hang from the fan in my bedroom, fans, and his absolute favorite is the mobile above his bed.  He loves that thing!  Well, maybe his favorite is looking at our faces :)

He still spits up A LOT all day long, so I am going to talk to the doctor about this at his 4 month check-up.

He also enjoys his baths in the tummy tub a lot now

And he LOVES to stretch, he stretches more than any baby I've ever seen

Reid turned 3 months old on March 5th and I tried to take some pictures on my own.  He smiles much better when I use my phone camera and he can see my face.  So I need to have Paul help me when I use the nice camera.  I'm not good at all, but at least I am capturing this time in his life!

Love this little outfit on him!  Need to try and take some better pictures of him in it!


  1. He is the cutest nephew ever! Tell him to slow down on all that growing until I can get out there to see him!

  2. Great pictures of Reid! So glad he is sleeping so well for you!
