Saturday, March 8, 2014

Snow Apocalypse

I think that's what Atlanta started calling the crazy week of snow and ice that we had. It was my day to pick the kids up from preschool and what normally takes about 20 minutes round trip took over an hour!  This was right around 1pm and people were already sliding all over the roads, crashing into curbs and other cars, it was a mess!  I was so relieved to get home, only to find out that the freeways were a total mess.  It was a combination of not knowing how to drive in the snow, no snow removal equipment, all the schools and businesses as well as government offices all letting out at the same time.  The traffic was so bad that it took people 8+ hours to get home and many people slept in their cars, or had to abandon their cars to get somewhere safe for the night.  A woman delivered her baby on the side of the freeway, it was absolutely nuts to watch the news and feel so helpless.  What could I do?  I was so grateful that Paul worked from home that day and was not stuck in the mess.  We even had a friend whose husband decided to walk home...15 miles so he could celebrate his wife's birthday!

Well, the next day was fun because we got to play in the snow.  The only bad thing about Paul being able to work from home is that he does not get snow days :(  So while all the other dads were playing outside because they couldn't go to work, Paul was working inside.  But he did take a lunch break to play.

Paul and I haven't used our snow gear in years, and poor Hayden doesn't have snow gear!

We even acted like southern rednecks and used a cookie sheet to go sledding down a hill in our neighborhood!  I can't believe we don't own a sled!  Its odd that snow is a novelty to Hayden when Paul and I grew up playing in it each winter.  We lasted about an hour but then Hayden decided she was cold.

Crazy enough, when we went to Florida, Atlanta got another huge storm which shut everything down for another 4 days.  What is with this weather?

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