Sunday, June 20, 2010

Spray Park

Getting ready to go to the Spray Park & Hayden's poor red eye

Payton Sanders, Samuel Graham & Hayden Pratt waiting for the water to shoot up!

Last Wednesday some of my friends and I decided to take our kiddos to the spray park in town. It was a nice day, of course some wind (that is always to be expected), but the water was really cold. Hayden had a rough start after she rubbed the sunscreen recently applied into her eyes, thus the red eyes in each picture. The municipal pool also has a kiddy pool that we took them in to warm them up. It was a fun day and Hayden slept great after!


  1. The Spray Park sounds great! But poor Hayden and getting the sunscreen in her eyes! Poor thing! She looks so cute in her little pink swim suit! :)

  2. She looks cute in her swim suit! You could use a sunscrean stick that way she won't rub it in her eye. It's what I use for Brenton. It's the worst when I have gotten it in their eyes. I love splash parks because that way I don't have to get in the water! so fun.

  3. Gotta love those kind of parks! Sure wish they had those around when we were kids!
