Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Some nights Hayden can be such a stinker when it comes to eating.  She never fights me during breakfast or lunch, just dinner.  This is such a funny video because she protests so hard and then realizes she actually does like the way it tastes.  So she covers her eyes and eats it and then protests again with the next spoonful!

This has become one of Hayden's favorite things to do: dance in just her diaper.  She loves being naked.  She has even tried to take her clothes off in public which worries me just a tad!  Lately she enjoys dancing to the music from her ball popper toy (thanks Cahoons!)  She is so funny to watch.  Sometimes she is more crazy, but this is a pretty good picture of what our nights are like. 


  1. Oh my goodness these movies were so funny I wish I would have had my ear buds with me so I could listen. I guess it will have to wait.

  2. Way too funny! I especially love her head bob when she is dancing. :)

  3. Was laughing so hard, this is way cute! Wade really wants to type something....v≥çcfv bcfb mcmvvvvvm nxbnc cvv nc. There you go! We love you guys! xoxo

  4. What is it with toddler eating habits? Samuel refuses to eat dinner too! BTW, we also have the L&L house. It's a favorite around here. Hope you guys are doing great!

  5. that first video is freaking hilarious!!! I love the fact that Paul is cracking up on the video. Too cute!!! Dilan just spit the food at me - lucky me! :)
