Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Hayden at 2

We recently had Hayden's 2 year pictures taken at Downtown Acworth which is about 10 miles from our house.  It was an adventure to say the least.  Hayden LOVED the photographer Cindy a little too much and did not want to sit still.  She wanted to play right next to her.  We actually had to come back for a second session because the only pictures she got of Hayden the first day were "blurry" because she was always on the move.  Family pictures are hard enough to get done once, let alone getting everyone ready twice!  Anyway, this is one of my favorites.

I'll post the link to all the pictures once we get them...

Hayden at 2:

  • LOVES singing.  Some of her favorites are "Twinkle, Twinkle" "ABCs" "Popcorn Popping" "Book of Mormon Stories" "Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam" "The hokey pokey" and many more.  She is getting really good at singing on key and saying the right words.
  • Loves to "color" and by "color" she means, draw with pens, colored pencils, crayons, and anything to do with stickers.  She loves to have a pen and a day planner like me and plan out her day while talking out loud to herself saying "ok" about a hundred times.  I must say that a lot!
  • Favorite movies include: The Lion King, and any Elmo's World DVD.  
  • Thinks it's hilarious to strip down naked and pee during her nap time.  This one is getting so old and I have tried everything: She can get the onesie off no problem, duct tape gives her incentive to get the diaper off and she usually goes for it even quicker, and so on.  I have tried more active potty training because she hates having the diaper on, but she rarely pees while sitting on the potty.  How many more times do I have to strip her bed and wash sheets????
  • Loves taking care of her babies: feeding them, washing their hands, taking them on walks in their stroller...
  • Has fun dancing with dad to Mumford and Sons
  • Loves drinking out of straws and thinks it is such a special treat when I pull them out
  • Still walks on her tippy toes everywhere she goes
  • Loves playing with her friends and will do anything I ask her to do if I tell her we are going to go "play" after she is done.  
  • Loves soft blankets and being wrapped up in them while she eats her breakfast
  • Loves having her toe nails painted.  I had no toe nail polish so we went to buy some.  When she saw it, she took off her shoes and wanted them painted in the middle of the store!  Loves showing everyone her "pretty toes" 
  • Likes counting to 10 as she goes up and down stairs
  • Getting good at recognizing yellow, blue, red, pink, orange and triangle, square, circle and of course star :)
  • Tries to run away from us when we want to put her down for a nap or change her diaper!
  • Favorite flavor: MINT


  1. Such a cutie!! And smart too.

    I wish I had an idea for you on the potty training. Just be glad she isn't pooping I guess! I wish potty training were easier. By far it is my least favorite part of parenting!

  2. She is so beautiful! You can see how much she's grown up already. Unreal how fast that is. Not as much a toddler but starting to be a little girl. Sorry the tape is not working. Dilan could get it off if we didn't go all the way around with it but if we did that, it was not a problem... except when we needed to change her! :)

  3. Is it bad that I wish they made her outfit in my size? Love it! Your child has better style then I do. I had that problem with abbey but a onesie and zipper feet pj's worked. what about those special safety pins for cloth diapers? Maybe put her in zip up pj's and safety pin right below the zipper, my friend did that with her daughter and it worked. Just an idea

  4. Love that little girl! Such a beautiful girl just like her Mom. I miss you guys and look forward to a visiting sometime this winter.

  5. Correction, my friend just used a regular safety pin, she said her daughter didn't even realize it was there.

  6. She is just beautiful and is really changing. I love all of you and miss you so very much.

  7. I have no idea what to tell you about the stripping of clothes and peaing at naptime. My 3 year old niece did the same thing, and my sister never found an answer.

  8. Cute...and what an adorable outfit! I can't wait to see all the pictures!
