Sunday, March 8, 2015

Reid Update

Reid is 15 months now!!! Right when we moved to Omaha he kind of went through a clingy stage but seems to be doing much better and for the moment is back to my happy little boy!  He took his first steps on February 6th, but only walks if directed too right now.  He is talking a lot.  He likes to say the following: hi, "da do" for thank you, hot, ball, "d" for done, woof, moo, oink, up, "bb" for belly button, "pp" for his pp :), "getcho" for I'm going to get you, "guck" for yuck, and yum, and mom and dad of course.  Sometimes I think he's trying to say Hayden, but I could be wrong.

Reid loves to go through cupboards and drawers, his favorite raid is our bathroom.  He hands Hayden something from the drawer and says, "Da do" for thank you and Hayden places it on the counter.  They play forever!

He's also become good at getting into food! I'm so sad I couldn't get my camera into focus for these, it was cracking me up when I realized where he had gone!

He LOVES the slide we brought up from the basement.  He plays on it a lot each day and I was shocked when he started going down it all by himself on February 18th.

He also likes to be an independent eater and drinker.  He WOULD NOT let me help him drink this smoothie and this is what happened:

We were all very impressed with how symmetrical the spill was!  He did not appreciate how cold the smoothie was.

Here are some cute little pictures of Reid at 15 months.  I just had to take him to the Dr because he got an ear infection so I know that he is 27 lbs (95th percentile) and 33.75 inches long (99th percentile).  He is getting HEAVY to carry around!

Seriously, baby buns are the cutest thing ever!

Reid loves taking caps on and off or screwing jar lids on and off, he is getting really good at it!

This just cracked me up, just taking it easy!

And on March 5th he figured out how to open doors!!!

I just want to squeeze this cutie all day long!  

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