I feel so much gratitude in my heart for everyone from work and am so grateful for the work experience I got to have while in Cheyenne. I NEVER in a million years thought I would work in the addictions field. My last couple of hours at work I ran a group called Aftercare and I got really emotional as I expressed to all of them how much they had taught me. People suffering from addiction are often very creative, intelligent, down to earth and non judgmental (well except of the police) and just regular people who happen wear their weaknesses on their sleeves. I often feel bad that I can hide away my character flaws and present my best self to most people, when their greatest weakness in life is so visible to all around them. I will miss all my clients for the most part and wish them nothing but the best.
I don't know what the future will hold regarding what type of population I will work with, but I will always be grateful I was able to help people suffering from addiction.
Paul was thoughtful and brought me flowers on my last day of work! And for those astute observers, you are right, that is not dirt, it is chocolate covered almonds! Paul knows me too well and also brought them by himself because he knew I would be upset at the $12 delivery fee.