Thursday, July 29, 2010

Lady Bugs

Are Lady Bugs good luck???? I have always been told they were and I am hoping this is true. I have seriously had about 4 lady bugs land on me so hopefully lots of good things to come. Maybe Paul's new job was one of the lady bugs. Tomorrow is my last day of work and it is really bitter-sweet. I don't know what to make of it now. Part of me is so excited to be home with Hayden everyday and have more time to get all those weekly tasks done: grocery shopping, vacuuming, mopping, etc. But the other part of me is sad and I feel like I am losing a part of myself for awhile. I definitely won't be working while we are in Indiana for 6 months, but I guess we'll see where I am at when we get to Atlanta. Saying goodbye to great clients has made me think I want to keep working a bit, so we'll see.


  1. Ya, that's a tough situation to leave your job. I know Jen had a hard time...but now she loves staying home 100% of the time. I don't know about lady bugs being good luck....but it sounds good to me! :) I'm going to start thinking it is! I sure love you Kristine!

  2. I hope your last day goes well! Good luck with everything, though. It's an exciting time!
