Monday, July 5, 2010


Paul and I are finally feeling a little relieved now that Hayden has started to crawl on July 2nd! It is definitely not the prettiest crawl we have ever seen, but it will do. When she is on a rug or carpet she will crawl with both legs back, but on the hard wood floors this is what she does. It's pretty entertaining to watch. She still prefers to stand and walk around on the furniture, but at least she now has another option. Also, when she gets to what she wants, instead of just crawling one more time, she will reach as far as she can to see if she can get it that way. Too funny!

Also, because Hayden is crawling more and starting to like her stomach she has started sleeping on her tummy. This is the funny position I found her in at my sister's house. Her head was smashed on the side of the pack and play. That is also the blanket that she has started to form an attachment too. It has strips cut on 2 sides and she loves holding them when she is falling asleep.


  1. That crawl is too funny! Ty has been sleeping on his tummy for a month or so and he totally gets stuck in the pack and play like that too. The things they do are so funny sometimes! I'm sad you couldn't make it too the reunion. We need to see you guys!

  2. Hayden is just so beautiful and talented. What else could she be though with such talented parents. I love her so and miss her. Thanks for posting pictures and videos. They are priceless to me. Love you guys.
