- still obsessed with Shrek (she also has favorite parts that she gets so excited about)
- has 12 teeth
- started saying "two" when we count, "one, two, three"
- loves to mimic me and tries to talk on the phone most of the day (maybe I am talking on the phone a bit too much!)
- If she doesn't know what an objects purpose is her default is to brush her hair with it (reminds me of The Little Mermaid everytime)
- getting very skilled on our stairs
- loves playing hide-and-go-seek
- will eat most of the same foods we eat, but the only non baby food vegetable she will eat is green beans (and squash but only when it is in Michelle's special vegetable stew recipe)
- carries on lots of conversations with me and herself
- is starting to use her imagination in play
- kind of obsessed with ducks
20 hours ago
Does she still hate potatoes with a passion?