Thursday, January 6, 2011

Christmas-part one

We flew home to Utah the Wednesday before Christmas and what an adventure it was to get there.  We had to wake up at 3:30 am to get to the airport on time only to find that our one year old car would not start!  We tried to jump it twice and finally admitted defeat and emptied everything out of the truck into the pilot and emptied everything from the pilot into the truck.  It had just snowed a ton so don't worry, the whole back of the truck was filled with snow!!!  That set us behind and we barely made our plane.  Upon boarding the plane, I asked Paul to put Hayden's empty sippy cup in his carry on bag and he replied, "what carry on?  I didn't bring one."  After convincing him that he did, he ran back to security and retrieved the lost item in the nick of time.  We had our layover in Denver which we were also late too because our plane from Indianapolis arrived late and they were announcing our names in the Denver Airport asking us to board the plane immediately.  It all ended well and we even ran into a missionary from Cheyenne who taught our friend the discussions.  Crazy morning!  My dear friend Marci picked us up since my mom was still teaching on Wednesday.  We stayed in Murray until Tuesday with a stop by Tooele late Christmas Eve and morning.

We were able to spend time with my two sisters and their husbands as well as my twin brothers and my mom and dad.  We enjoyed one another's company going out to lunch, going to see the lights at Temple Square, going on walks, playing games (learned a new one: Shadows over Camelot) and of course late night movies.  I also got to catch up with some of my best friends.  Paul finally got to see Harry Potter with my brothers and brother-in-law.  Boy was he excited, he's wanted to see it forever.  Hayden was a little slow to warm up the the dog Sasha but eventually she was ok with her too.  Hayden loved all the attention she got from all the adults and was really showing off all of her new skills.  While home I also finally made my grandma's amazing rolls with my mom so now I should be able to replicate them on my own.  I also finally learned to make pie crusts!

I can't take credit for the following Temple Square pictures, they are from Michelle and Jared!

 My sisters: Shannon, Michelle, me and my mom

 Hayden thought the lights were so fun to touch!

 Beautiful Salt Lake Temple

 Christmas Eve opening up some gifts after our big dinner since we wouldn't see them Christmas morning

Trying to entice Hayden to open up a present from Aunt Michelle & Uncle Jared (she loved the ribbon as most 1 year olds do)

Christmas night with Hayden and her stocking

Playing with a puzzle that spelled her name from her uncles Sean & Ian

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a great Christmas with your family! I loved seeing the pictures of your mom and dad and sisters. I haven't seen them for years! :)
