1) Just got off the phone with my Grandpa Cowan who is 93 years old today! I can't even believe it. He has played such a big part in my life and I am so grateful that he is MY grandpa. I am so glad I have such great family that keeps him company and fills his birthday with lots of joy.
2) This morning Hayden was drinking her sippy cup of milk and when she was finished she held it up, looked at it and said, "bye bye ml" and waved at it. It was too cute!
3) My last post I said that hopefully it was my last update but I was wrong. Shortly after they hooked us up to the sewer Paul went and used our master bathroom only to discover that it was still clogged along with our shower! So the next day, we called them back up and they fixed it. Shortly after that we went to change our telephone numbers and our garage door stopped opening! It is brand new so I am hoping it is still under some kind of warranty. We have tried contacting our Realtor but she is out of town. Hopefully our house will be running smoothly soon...
See I told you these were random thoughts.
21 hours ago
I love your random thoughts. I should start a blog so I could put down some of mine too. That is kind of scary, huh? I love you Kristine, you are so special.