Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I've debated writing this post publicly because in no way do I think my child is perfect!  She has many characteristics that I could truly do without.  But she has some characteristics that really make her Hayden.  Today when I went to pick Hayden up at the day care at the gym, one of the daycare providers said, "Hayden is my favorite child to watch, she entertains us the whole time you are gone, she is the cutest kid we have here!"  It was very sweet of her to let me know how much they enjoy Hayden.  My sister Michelle put it very well when we went to visit her: "she is such a charmer."  Everywhere we go, she attracts people to her, puts on a little show for them, and leaves a smile on their faces.  I hope Hayden can keep this personality characteristic for the rest of her life.  Right now it's my favorite thing about her!

This is a homemade dress given to Hayden by my friend from Indiana, Rachel Neal.  Isn't it such a cute dress...

1 comment:

  1. Aw, Hayden! I love this definition of charm: Charm is the innate ability to make people around you feel comfortable. Hayden's working it.
