Friday, January 7, 2011

More Dancing

Ok, some of you are probably over Hayden's dance moves, but I'm not quite there yet!  Hayden got this fridge toy for Christmas and absolutely loves it.  It's great because now instead of wanting the fridge open, she is always trying to shut it on me and it keeps her entertained while I cook.  Here are the latest moves:

And yes, those are baby skinny jeans!  I love them soooo much!  Also I will be posting Christmas pictures soon...


  1. Hayden may be the creative dancer in the family. She is great at holding the hand pose and twirling. I love it!

  2. She is so adorable...and yes I love the skinny jeans! :) Also, Cole has that exact same toy! :)

  3. I can see why you're not over her dance moves yet! She's so funny and cute!
    Good luck with your move- hope it goes smoothly!

  4. So cute! We got Ty the alphabet one for Christmas, and although he isn't walking yet, he sits and bounces and points his pointer finger in the air. It's so fun to see them develop! Good luck w/ the move too! I wish we lived closer so our two could play all day :)
