Saturday, November 13, 2010

Last Day of House Hunting

It feels like we have been in this little hotel room for a lot longer than 5 days!!!  But we have done so much work and what a little trooper Hayden has been.  She loves the stairs in all the houses we have looked at, so we strapped her in the baby bjorn and she was then content just to look around.  She has been in a car seat everyday from 9am until 2pm and then usually at night too!  Her naps are all screwed up and I'm sure she is exhausted, but she really has been awesome for us this week. 

After looking at hundreds of houses online and about 40 homes this week, we think we have one that we will put an offer in on Monday!  There is lots that could go wrong so I am trying not to get to attached to the home just yet!  The only thing that I am kind of sad about is that I wanted some kind of granite counter top and they just recently replaced their counter tops with tile.  They do look nicer than I thought and our realtor keeps telling us how inexpensive granite has become these days and that the layout of the house is much harder to change than the counter tops. Anyway, that will be a purchase way down the road.  But it has a finished basement, 4 bedrooms, 3 1/2 baths, eat in kitchen, dining room, family room and living room (which we will probably make into an office).  I really like the house so I hope it works!  We have some other backups, but would definitely have to fly out again to look at them.

There is one other house that is brand new and just a little out of our budget.  It is really tempting to buy a new home, but Paul and I decided it is really more than what we need and can afford right now.  It is 3,200 square feet and has an unfinished basement that is 1,800 square feet.  Anyway, a little extravagant for our first home, but so tempting!!!

We randomly got to meet up with Paul's brother Trent and his wife Darice in Atlanta last night.  They flew in to go to the Georgia vs Auburn game. It was their first time meeting Hayden.  We went to 6 Feet Under which had great sea food! 

Tonight we get to meet up with my friend Cameron and his family (friends from gradschool) so we are looking forward to that as well!  But we are excited to get back to Indiana and get Hayden back on her normal routine!!!

If everything goes well and they accept our offer we will have to come back next week for the home inspection.

These days all of our pictures of Hayden are fuzzy because she is never still!  Always on the go.  Hayden loved our hotel lobby and elevator.

This is a picture from the night we went out with the Mount family to Johny Rockets.  The server was so great to the kids.  Hayden loved her hat.


  1. I am glad the house hunting is going well. And it does sound like Hayden has been quite the trooper! I am proud of her!
    I hope you ge that house that you want...and yes, I would rather have granite countertops than tile. My dad has tile, and it's not as easy to keep clean. :)
