Tuesday, February 22, 2011


This is LDS lingo for "Family Home Evening."  Paul and I decided we had better start this up again with Hayden to get us in the habit .  We have been going through the nursery manual lessons.  We keep it real short and then let her color.  She thinks it's really funny when we sing the opening song to her, like we are putting on a private show for her. 

Here is a couple of pictures of her latest FHE project!

I love this picture, she was so proud of her work.  You will also notice her "silly band."  A little girl gave her one and she is obsessed with wearing it, I don't get those things!

p.s.  Hayden cried when I left her to swim today at the YMCA, I don't get that either!


  1. AWWW! That's an adorable picture. Way to have your FHE!

  2. Hayden is so adorable! I can't believe how long her hair is getting!
