Wednesday, February 23, 2011

New House Pics

 Well, we are still not totally settled, but we have finally hung our wall decor.  I am still working on curtains, but one thing at a time, right?.....

 The paint looks a lot more brown in person, nonetheless Paul still doesn't like the way it looks in person and we will probably be changing this someday soon.

 This is where the breakfast table should go, but because we don't have one we made it into Hayden's play area for now.

 This should be the living room, but again, because we don't have any furniture we made it into our office.

 Kitchen, I actually do like the green and will probably keep it this way for a long time.

 I still don't know what to do with this room: craft room, move office here, reading room???  Any ideas?

 Guest room for anyone who wants to come visit us down South!

 Future therapy room, I haven't really done much with this yet as I am still waiting on my license to transfer!

This will someday be a hang out area or play room but this part of the basement is empty for now


  1. It looks really nice! Looks really roomy. I recognize some of those pictures :)

  2. With that empty room you could make it a craft/music/reading/office if you wanted

  3. Looks great! Glad to see that you got your shelves up!

  4. Your home is beautiful!!!!!! I love how you have decorated with the things you already had! I can't wait to see it in person!

  5. Super cute! Can hardly wait to use that guest room!

    My vote: READING ROOM! How much would I love one of those?!

  6. So beautiful!!! It is so fun to see all your cute stuff set up! I can't wait to come visit one of these days! That guest room was calling my name! xoxo

  7. Beautiful home! and it is YOURS! I'll bet it's NICE to have enough room and some to grow into!
