Tuesday, February 16, 2016


How am I 34 years old?!?!  My birthday was made very special by friends and family both near and far.  It always makes me feel special and valued when I get phone calls, texts, Facebook messages, cards, etc.  The biggest shocker came when I woke up around 4 or 5 am to feed Beckett and realized Paul had driven over 10 hours round trip from Iowa to make it back for my birthday!  I was too tired to go down to the basement to scare the crap out of him like he did me!  I seriously thought someone had broken into our home when I saw a note taped to the fridge and a movie in the ice dispenser.  When I woke up again to get Hayden off to school, Paul came up and it was such a great surprise.  I was feeling sad that he wouldn't be home until late on my birthday. He made me a delicious egg breakfast and delicious bread. 

 My friends Amie Houser and Cathy Borders took me and my kiddos to lunch at Panera bread, I had visitors drop by with special treats and then at night Paul and the kids took me to Pitch Pizzeria, a new nice restaurant close to our house.  It was overall a great day.  Paul got me a new camera lens and camera classes that I am going to go to in April hopefully!  I really am a lucky girl to be surrounded by so many wonderful people!

We were going to watch the movie Paul got me, but we both fell asleep around 8 while we were putting the kids to bed!  Next year we'll have a party a little harder!

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