Tuesday, September 21, 2010


It is official, Hayden definitely recognizes herself in the mirror and she can't get enough of herself! Every time we pass by any mirror in our house (we have a lot in this small apartment) she cheeses it up big time. She loves looking at herself. I guess it would be neat to see what you looked like for the first time.


  1. Awwww....cute! She is such a beautiful baby...and she probably knows it! I wish I could see her stare at herself in the mirror! How cute!

  2. That is too funny! Reminds me of Manti, he will talk and make faces at himself in the mirror while I get ready. Cracks me up!

  3. Can you blame her? I would too if I was that cute. What a doll. Abbey's into kissing anything shining such as mirrors, stove, fridge, and fireplace. Lets just say I have lots of smudges. I can't believe our little girls are one, crazy. Looks like she had a great day. By the way, I LOVE the letter you and Paul wrote to Hayden.
