Thursday, September 9, 2010

What we've been up to...

We have been in Indiana for about 1 1/2 weeks now although it feels a lot longer! The weather is really beautiful right now. You can barely feel the humidity and the sun shines with a cool, crisp breeze in the air. Hayden and I haven't met anyone yet to play with but that's okay, we keep busy.

These are 2 of Hayden's favorite places to be. She always tries to sneak under our computer desk to play with all the cords and the printer. Paul hates when she gets under there. She also loves the pantry and always goes straight for the "browning sauce." I don't know if it's her age or just being in a new place, but Hayden loves exploring here. She never really did that in Cheyenne and did not like to be alone in a room. The other morning I could not find her anywhere and I really started to panic. Then I heard her giggling and located her in a cupboard in the bathroom. She loves crawling in there and hanging out.

We have also enjoy a trail here called the Monon trail. It is really beautiful with trees that line it and it goes all the way to downtown Indianapolis. It is the busiest trail in the nation apparently from a recent study and I believe it because there are always people walking, running, roller blading, and biking on it. The only problem with this is at times it is packed with people. Paul and I went biking on Labor Day and at the very end of the ride a little boy kept going right out in front of us which resulted in major road rash for me! Not fun! Paul couldn't figure out why I was smiling in this picture, but I always look goofy in pictures if I try to be serious or sad.

We go to our little apartment swimming pool a lot also. Paul got to join us on Labor Day. It is fun to have a pool so close, the only problem is that the water is FREEZING. Seriously, they don't heat it at all. This sadly does not stop Hayden at all. She loves getting in the water and splashing around. It's funny people always try to warn me before getting in with her that it is too cold and she will not like it. I always reply, "I know, but she likes it anyways." They are always shocked that she gets in and enjoys herself. Most recently she likes going up and down the steps in the water.

We have also gone to about 3 new parks in search of the best one in our area. Hayden continues to love swinging and has started to branch out to some of the other attractions. This little toy was crazy, we would spin her around in it and she held on and giggled.

Here is a pictures of Hayden at our local library. She really enjoyed playing with all the toys and letting me read her a few books.

Everyone we meet wherever we go people are struck by her eyes. Seriously I get comment after comment about what beautiful, striking eyes she has. They always say, "she must get the blue from her daddy." They are surprised when I tell them he has green eyes. Anyway, Hayden draws in a crowd wherever we go and loves smiling and flirting with everyone around her. We have also enjoyed having tons of fun stores at our finger tips! I am so spoiled now. Yesterday I went to a Nordstrom that was only 4 miles from our house!!! I used to have to drive 2 hours to the closest one. They have such fun restaurants and shopping here which is always a good way to kill a few hours of the day.


  1. Your arm looks like it hurts so much. Were you clipped in? I have had kids get in front of me also and it really freaks you out. Hayden is such a cutie pie, she has a look of mischief in her eyes. I love it. You are so great to keep us posted on your adventures. Kristine, you are the best!!!! Love you.

  2. Kristine! It sounds like you have been busy..and it looks like Hayden keeps herself busy as well! I think it's hilarious that Hayden love the cold pool....I feel bad for you and Paul who have to go in with her! :) Sorry about the road rash...but the smile in the picture was a beautiful one! :)

  3. I love the picture of Hayden under your computer desk! Your road rash looks painful, you really do have the worst luck!
